At the core of our dental practice is a friendly team of professionals that are dedicated to your utmost comfort and optimal oral health. We view each patient as a unique individual, and tailor each treatment to your specific needs. As part of our commitment to providing close, personalized attention to every patient, we want to encourage patient communication. Please know that we are here to provide outstanding patient care, and that we value the trust you have placed in us.
Dental Assistant
Romina, hailing from Northville, is an aspiring dental professional currently applying for dental school. She holds a major in science and is X-ray certified, demonstrating her strong foundation in dental knowledge and practice. Romina excels in explaining complex dental procedures and answering patient questions, making her an invaluable resource in our team.
A fast learner and highly adaptable, Romina takes pride in assisting with a variety of dental procedures, particularly root canals and surgeries. Her expertise and ability to accomplish any task assigned to her make her a standout team member.
Outside of her professional pursuits, Romina loves traveling to Canada, where she enjoys exploring new restaurants and indulging in culinary adventures.